How to Cite Clip Art in APA Format

If you are using clip art in an audiovisual presentation or paper, you may not have to cite the piece of clip art you are using. Royalty-free clip art, such as that used in Microsoft Office, does not require notation in American Psychological Association, or APA, style. However, if you are referencing art from the Internet or analyzing art in your paper, you should include a source in your reference list.

Software Citation

If the clip art you are using is from a royalty-free piece of software, the only citation needed is a note of the source's origin after you use the image in your paper. However, if you are discussing the piece of art or want to be thorough in listing all your sources, you can cite the software in your reference list using the following format:

Program Title (Version number) [Format]. Publisher Location: Publisher.

For example:

New Millennium Art (Version 3) [Computer Software]. Ithaca, NY: Gorges Intel.

Clip Art Taken From Website

If you are referencing or using a piece of clip art taken from a website, you should include the web address in your reference list using the following format:

Image Author Lastname or Screename, First Initial(s). (Year of image). Title of image [file format]. Retrieved from URL.

For example:

Rampa. (2015). Mandala [SVG file]. Retrieved from

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