How to Do a Citation for a Glossary in APA Format

The American Psychological Association format is a writing style used in the social and behavioral sciences as well as many other disciplines. APA format guides the way you cite sources to properly attribute material.

A citation for a print-based glossary should begin with the title of the entry. You also must include the edition number, place of publication and publisher.

For example:

Phenomenology. (2004). In Merriam-Webster's dictionary (italicize all words except "In") (11th ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc.

When you cite this entry within your text, use the word and the year within parentheses.

For example: (Phenomenology, 2004).

If you quote from the definition, you must also include the page number.

For example: (Phenomenology, 2004, p.599).

Online Glossary

Online glossary citations must include a link to the entry rather than the publication information.

For example:

Enigma. (2013). In Merriam-Webster online (italicize all words except "In"). Retrieved from

If the entry does not have a date listed, use the abbreviation "n.d." in place of the year.

For example:

Enigma. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster online (italicize all words except "In"). Retrieved from

When citing the word within the text, include the word and year. Even if you quote from an online entry, you do not need a page number. For example: (Engima, 2013).

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