Five Examples of a Compound-Complex Sentence

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In english, ​a compound-complex sentence contains a combination of two types of sentence structures: a compound and a complex sentence​. Compound sentences combine two independent clauses, a type of clause that completes a full thought. Compound sentences connect with the use of a coordinating conjunction: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Complex sentences require an independent clause and at least one dependent clause, a clause that does not give a complete thought. ​The following examples of compound-complex sentence's show how the components and structure work and differ from simple sentences, which can be a difficult part of the english language for kids to learn.

1. The Independent Clause

Although I like books, I do not like romance novels, but my sister loves them.

In this example, the complex sentence is “Although I like books, I do not like romance novels.” The phrase “I do not like romance novels,” makes up the independent clause, a clause that completes a full thought and gives a complete sentence. The phrase “Although I like books” forms an introductory clause, a type of dependent clause that does not complete a thought.

The compound structure of this sentence stems from combining the independent clauses “I do not like romance novels” after the comma, and “my sister loves them” with the coordinating conjunction “but.” These comma connectors and sometimes semicolons, helps to fix run-on sentences and infinitives.

2. Coordinating Conjunction

Jim’s mom went to the store because it’s his birthday, and she bought him a present.

In this second example, the independent clauses “Jim’s mom went to the store” and “she bought him a present” form a compound sentence with the connection of the coordinating conjunction “and.”

The first part of the sentence, “Jim’s mom went to the store because it’s his birthday,” forms the complex sentence. You have an independent clause, “Jim’s mom went to the store,” and the dependent clause, “because it’s his birthday,” which does not complete a thought.

3. Proper English Grammar

Until he graduates, he will live in the apartment, but then he wants to move.

The independent clauses “he will live in the apartment” and “then he wants to move” have the connection of the coordinating conjunction “but.” This forms the compound sentence. The dependent clause, “Until he graduates,” when combined with the independent clause, “he will live in the apartment,” makes up the complex parts of the sentence. This is proper english grammar.

4. Comma Splices

Molly, who loves cats, plans to get a kitten, but she needs to find a house.

In another type of example, “Molly, who loves cats, plans to get a kitten” makes up the complex sentence because of the independent clause “Molly plans to get a kitten,” which is broken up by the dependent clause “who loves cats.” by comma splices.

The combination of these sentence fragments and the two independent clauses “Molly plans to get a kitten” and “she needs to find a house,” connected by the coordinating conjunction connector “but,” makes up the compound sentence.

5. Two Independent Clauses

Jennifer sat in her chair, which was a dark red recliner, and she read all evening.

This sentence shows the compound sentences of the two independent clauses “Jennifer sat in her chair” and “she read all evening,” combined by the coordinating conjunction “and.”

The complex sentence with this group of words stems from the independent clause “Jennifer sat in her chair,” and the dependent clause “which was a dark red recliner.” Both of which are not prepositional phrases and avoid prepositions.

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