What Is a Speech Presentation?


A speech presentation is publicly speaking to an audience with intent to inform, demonstrate, explain or persuade. The presentation is normally written, then performed and includes an introduction, a body consisting of main focal points and a conclusion. The subject matter, choice of words and delivery all depend on the audience. Visual aids are often incorporated into the presentation, if meaningful and relevant. Nearly all types of speeches fall into three main categories – informative, persuasive and motivational.


An informative speech is based on factual information, so it’s presented in an objective way to increase awareness and understanding of a particular subject. A range of credible sources are needed to substantiate the data provided in your speech presentation. For example, many representatives from health-related organizations give informative speech presentations to spread public awareness of various diseases and how to prevent them.


A persuasive speech presentation in given to influence the audience in such as way as to convince them to think or believe the way you think or believe. It can be based on factual information or an opinion. The goal is to prompt the audience to take action in some way, whether it is to purchase a product, sign a petition or to donate money to a cause. For instance, politicians give speeches to persuade citizens to vote for them in an election and sales people deliver speeches to encourage consumers to buy their products.


Motivational speeches are highly emotional and given in all types of settings. Speakers seek to arouse, encourage and stimulate an audience to enrich their personal or professional lives. Corporations often hire motivational speakers to motivate employees to work harder, sell more or perhaps take greater pride in their employer and job. They provide steps for the audience to take to achieve a certain goal, such as career development or better health, as well as examples of how to achieve those goals.


One of the most important aspects of a speech presentation is the delivery. Successful speakers make good eye contact with listeners; it conveys confidence and allows the audience to connect with them. The use of voice inflection and facial expressions allow the speaker to naturally reflect what she is talking about. It is good to move around some when speaking and use hand gestures occasionally to emphasize a point, but don’t overdo it.

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