How to Cite an NBC News Article
Citing an NBC News article is simple because the pieces are readily available online and are clearly labeled with information such as the author and the publication date. The format of your citation and references will depend on whether you are writing in Modern Language Association, or MLA, or American Psychological Association, or APA, format.
MLA Format
Because NBC News articles typically don't include pages in a conventional sense, any in-text parenthetical citations need only include the author's last name, a comma and the title of the article in quotation marks: (Boyle, "When Spacesuits Go Wrong, It's Deadly Serious in Orbit").
URLs change frequently, so MLA format no longer requires URLs in Works Cited sections. Instead, include the author's name, the title of the article in quotes, NBC News in italics, the date of publication, "Web" as your resource and the date that you retrieved the article. If the reference carries into a second line, indent all subsequent lines by five spaces.
Boyle, Alan. "When Spacesuits Go Wrong, It's Deadly Serious in Orbit." NBC News (italics). 16 July 2013. Web. 16 July 2013.
APA Format
In-text citations for electronic resources are quite straightforward in APA format. Typically, you only need to supply the author's last name and the date of the article's publication in parentheses: Boyle (2013).
Treat NBC News articles as you would other online news sources. Begin with the author's last name and first initial. Follow with the year, month and date of publication in parentheses. Follow with the title of the article and NBC News in italics. APA format does require the URL, so end your reference with "Retrieved from" and the current URL. Indent all but the first line by five spaces.
Boyle, A. (2013, July 16). When Spacesuits Go Wrong, It's Deadly Serious in Orbit. NBC News (italics). Retrieved from
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Writer Bio
Since 2003, Momi Awana's writing has been featured in "The Hawaii Independent," "Tradewinds" and "Eternal Portraits." She served as a communications specialist at the Hawaii State Legislature and currently teaches writing classes at her library. Awana holds a Master of Arts in English from University of Hawaii, Mānoa.