How to Describe a Scene
An interesting scene, whether in real life or on a stage, can captivate your attention and affect your emotions. You might want to describe a scene as a way of remembering something that is important to you. Another reason that you might describe a scene is for the purpose of completing an assignment in a language arts class. When you describe a scene, you should engage your reader so that he is drawn in and can imagine what he is reading vividly.
Describe the visual aspects of the scene. Include words that communicate color, texture, size and shape. Write visual descriptions of primary parts of the plot, as well as other details that help to create the atmosphere.
Write about the sounds involved in the scene. Use language that describes tone, pitch, volume and mood associated with various sounds.
Describe what it would be like to smell or taste elements of the scene if applicable. For instance, if a scene takes place in a kitchen, you could describe the aromas and tastes of the foods being prepared.
Write about what it would feel like to touch or interact with certain elements of the scene if possible. For instance, if the scene contains a dog, you might describe what his coat feels like and how he behaves when you pet him.
Summarize important actions within the scene. This is especially important if you are describing a scene that is a part of a larger work, such as a novel.
Writer Bio
Charlotte Johnson is a musician, teacher and writer with a master's degree in education. She has contributed to a variety of websites, specializing in health, education, the arts, home and garden, animals and parenting.