New York Times Submission Guidelines


The New York Times provides several submission opportunities for readers. Opinion, travel and general article submissions are just a few of the items accepted by the popular magazine. Following the guidelines set by the New York Times is important when submitting an item for potential publication. Failing to follow the submission guidelines could result in your item being discarded without even being considered.


Write opinion article on any topic that is no more than 750 words in length that has not already been published in print or online.


Copy and paste text of article, along with contact information, in the body of an email.


Email article submission to [email protected]. Opinion article submissions also can be mailed or faxed to the New York Times.


Write a proposal or story that is or will be no more than 1,500 words in length and has not been published elsewhere. An article will not be considered if it is in relation to a trip paid for by an airline, tourist board or other organization with an interest in the subject of an article.


Write the date of the trip on a separate line on top of the article.


Email the travel article or proposal submission, along with brief resume, to [email protected]. Do not include pictures.


Write a proposal or article that is or will be no more than 1,500 words in length and has not been published elsewhere.


Determine which section of the New York Times would be the most appropriate for the article or proposal submission. Possible sections include news, sports, fashion, politics, business and technology.


Send proposal or article by regular mail directly to department that is appropriate. For example, address it to News Editor or Sports Editor.

The New York Times 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018


The New York Times will generally respond within three days if the article will be published for opinion article submissions and within two weeks for other submissions.

Due to volume of submissions received, the newspaper does not send rejections or return submissions.

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