The Advantages of Memorizing Presentations
An effective presentation can lead to a successful business sale, an approved marketing idea or a good grade in your business class. Presentations are popular methods of delivering important information to a group of people through visual and verbal aids, such as slideshows. Based on the key factors that make for an effective presentation, memorizing the material you intend to delivery has many advantages.
You Can Make Better Eye Contact
Eye contact is an essential part of delivering a successful presentation. Audience members feel more engaged in your presentation and what you have to say when you make an effort to look at them and establish rapport by locking glances. Eye contact is a nonverbal communication skill that can help your presentation, and memorizing the presentation's content allows you to spend more time scanning your audience and less time looking at note cards or your visual aid for prompting.
You Sound Like an Expert
When you memorize what you want to say in your presentation, you are able to deliver the material in a confident manner, which makes you sound like an expert. Audiences will feel more confident in your knowledge of the information you present if you are speaking naturally and with ease, as opposed to reading your information off of note cards. As such, your audience may put more trust in what you have to say when you memorize.
You Can Avoid Distracting Speech
Words such as "um," "like," "you know" and "right" can be distracting when used continuously throughout a presentation. Presenters do not always realize that they are using these filler words, but they can minimize the accidental use of them by memorizing their presentations. When you memorize a presentation you know what you want to say beat by beat, leaving very little room for stumbling over words or adding unnecessary ones.
You Can Move Around
Memorizing your presentation content allows you to be free so that you can move around comfortably and naturally in front of your audience. When you don't memorize, your material you might feel like you need to stay stationary -- in front of the podium -- so that you have access to your notes. This physical presentation behavior is awkward for audience members because it gives off the impression that you do not know the material as well as you should. Vary your positions and gestures during a presentation and to never speak to your notes or your visual slideshow or charts.
Writer Bio
Kyra Sheahan has been a writer for various publications since 2008. Her work has been featured in "The Desert Leaf" and "Kentucky Doc Magazine," covering health and wellness, environmental conservatism and DIY crafts. Sheahan holds an M.B.A. with an emphasis in finance.