How to Cite "Jane Eyre" in MLA

Writers should provide both in-text citations and a works-cited page when completing an essay or research paper. Providing that information will also let readers to analyze the evidence you used to develop an argument or thesis. Know how to properly use MLA (Modern Language Association) style to cite Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre.”

MLA Citations for “Jane Eyre”

For the bibliography or works-cited page, use your copy of “Jane Eyre” to locate the author’s first and last name, the book title, city and year of publication, publisher and medium of publication. If you are using more than one book in your essay, be sure to alphabetize your sources. When writing the citation for “Jane Eyre” organize the information in the following MLA format:

Last name, first name. Title of Book in italics. Publication City: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

The Harper Collins edition would be cited as follows: Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre (italics). New York: Harper Collins, 2010. Print.

For in-text citations, MLA recommends using parenthetical citations to refer to specific reference points in the novel. When using parenthetical citations, place the page number of your reference in the parentheses directly after the point in which you refer to or quote the novel. The following “Jane Eyre” quotation uses parenthetical citations in MLA format: “There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.” (10).

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