How to Write a Descriptive Speech

The purpose of writing a descriptive speech is to capture one moment in time and recreate it by describing the essential elements of the moment in a manner that clearly reveals the essence of the experience. Your descriptive speech will focus on portraying a person, a place or a memory. You might describe an experience or an object. Focus your descriptive speech on anything you can perceive or experience. Your goal is to describe an object that your audience will visualize in rich detail. Your emotions and feelings are the star performers as you prepare for your descriptive speech. Use your senses as you write your speech.

Plan your descriptive speech by stating who or what you are going to describe. Think about what qualities will be the focus of your speech, and why are you writing this description. Make a simple outline of these points to organize your thoughts. Give your audience a vivid experience by focusing on the five senses: touch, taste, sight, sound and smell.

Write the first draft of your speech using descriptive words. Do not say "The boy fell out the window." Describe the fall in rich detail. "As the curly haired boy watched the kitten crouched over the dead cockroach, his head inched across the window sill until the weight of his body sent him tumbling into the tomato patch below." Think about the feel of your story and add the sights, sounds and smells of the incident.

Revise your speech with careful attention to detail. Remember that in descriptive speech writing you must add rich detail. Check your story to make sure it moves in an orderly manner. Do not leave out any minor details. Check for unnecessary details. Use descriptive words to get your story across but leave out any details that interfere with the progression of your story.


Make a list of topics before you plan your speech.


Take time to choose a topic you feel comfortable talking about.

Add descriptive details that move your story but leave out unnecessary details.

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